Join South Bank Singers
Do you have good sight-reading skills? Are you currently singing in a choir and seeking a new challenge? Or perhaps looking to return to choral singing?
South Bank Singers is a dedicated chamber choir of around 30 voices based in York. We sing a diverse repertoire of less traditional, mostly a cappella choral music to a high standard.
If you’re musical, have a voice that blends well with others and are keen to be part of an ensemble where every voice matters, South Bank Singers could be the perfect fit for you. We value members who are able to commit to regular attendance and undertake some work in between sessions to maintain the high calibre of the choir.
We currently have openings in all voice parts, particularly tenors and basses. Please contact us via the link below - we'd love to hear from you! If you are interested in joining, please contact our membership secretary, Marian Smales, at​
When we have a space, potential new members are invited to a rehearsal. The MD makes a point of listening out for new singers and aims to have a chat with them during the mid-session break. The decision to welcome a new member lies with the MD.